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How to retrieve a portfolio

portfolio’s contain a client’s holding in our system. They are the building block for many of our products.

API Docs Link

Things you need:

  • API Access Token.
  • The portfolio id. Should be similar to modelportfolio_A3rNbYtpEw2H52eXBpAEeL.

Let’s retrieve a portfolio using curl.

There’s two options you may pass when retrieving portfolios.

  • Holdings: Whether or not to include the portfolio holdings in the response. holdings=true or holdings=false
  • Values: Comma separated list of Screen Sets ids, to produce alignment numbers in response. values=1,2,3,4
  These options are not required
You do not need to pass these values. However, it's very common to use them when benchmarking.

Grab your API Access Token and put it here:

-H "Authentication: Token YourTokenGoesHere" 

Now paste both into the curl command below:

curl -H "Your authentication header here"

Here is a complete example:

curl -H "Authorization: Token YourTokenHere1234567890"

Just replace the value of the token with yours.

To run the curl command open a terminal and paste the command above. The JSON response from the API should be similar to:

        "name":"My first test portfolio",

Retrieve a portfolio and include the holdings

Passing the holdings query parameter with the value true as holdings=true will include the portfolio holdings in the response.

curl -H "Authorization: Token YourTokenHere1234567890"

To run the curl command open a terminal and paste the command above.

The JSON response from the API should be similar to:

        "name":"My first test portfolio",
                    "full_name":"Apple Inc.",
                    "company_name":"Apple Inc.",
                    "company_sector":"Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment",
                    "full_name":"SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust",
                    "company_name":"State Street Corporation",
                    "company_sector":"Depository Institutions",
                    "benchmark_description":"Large Blend",

Retrieve a portfolio and include the Screen Sets

Passing the values query parameter with a list of Screen Set ids will include the portfolio’s alignment with each Screen Set.

Every portfolio will have a list of Screen Sets assigned by default. The default list is assigned by and to the Firm or Advisor. Visit the API Docs for the Screen Set Values to learn more.

Getting the default Screen Sets requires an additional API call.

curl -H "Authorization: Token YourTokenHere1234567890"

To run the curl command open a terminal and paste the command above.

The JSON response from the API should be similar to:

Note: The response is typically large. I have included a smaller response on purpose. It does not change anything on your end.

  "screen_sets": [
      "id": 1,
      "user": null,
      "name": "Friend of Animals",
      "metrics": [
          "threshold": null,
          "metric_description": 6
      "is_template": true,
      "created_at": "2020-09-30T21:04:16.464245Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-03-22T22:07:49.315409Z"
      "id": 2,
      "user": null,
      "name": "Planet Protector",
      "metrics": [
          "threshold": null,
          "metric_description": 43
          "threshold": null,
          "metric_description": 23
          "threshold": null,
          "metric_description": 15
          "threshold": 0.1,
          "metric_description": 35
          "threshold": 0.1,
          "metric_description": 89
      "is_template": true,
      "created_at": "2020-09-30T21:04:16.478727Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-03-22T22:07:49.316757Z"
      "id": 3,
      "user": null,
      "name": "Anti-Racist",
      "metrics": [
          "threshold": null,
          "metric_description": 74
          "threshold": null,
          "metric_description": 59
      "is_template": true,
      "created_at": "2020-09-30T21:04:16.506599Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-03-22T22:07:49.317478Z"

You should now grab the value of the id fields and pass them as a list parameter values=1,2,3. This will tell the API to include the Screen Set data for each id in the portfolio response.

curl -H "Authorization: Token YourTokenHere1234567890",2,3

To run the curl command open a terminal and paste the command above.

The JSON response from the API should be similar to:

        "name":"My first test portfolio",

These numbers might not make a lot of sense now. I suggest you learn how to generate reports from portfolios in order to understand what these numbers mean to your clients and you. You can find a guide on how to generate reports here.